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Company Newsletters – The Punch Through Way

We have a love/hate relationship with company newsletters. We certainly understand the value, but let’s be honest, we all get newsletters that don’t meet our standards. They feel impersonal, the information isn’t valuable, and we feel like we should have a newsletter because it’s “what you do” -which adds a barrier to understanding why the newsletter hit our inbox. 

What makes an outstanding newsletter? Informative, entertaining, and relevant information draws us in and makes us want more. These newsletters are exciting, and these good feelings extend to the company that created the newsletter. Beyond that, they possess simple and branded design elements that help us soak in the content, rather than distract. There’s no better feeling than signing up for an email newsletter that you actually enjoy reading and want more of. 

What’s in the Punch Through Newsletter?

Question of the Month

As humans, we have an affinity for stories. Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of communication and one of the best ways to learn and teach from each other. In each newsletter, we’ll ask a question that pertains to a specific experience, challenge, or struggle that we’ve faced over the years. These stories will be shared in the next newsletter to provide real insight into something you may be dealing with a new perspective might be just what you’re looking for. Everything from leading a team of engineers, understand the source of the technical bug in the iOS Bluetooth stack, or some advice on how to get your entire team of engineers to write company blog posts. 

The inspiration behind the “Question of the Month” comes from a company tradition where we have a question of the week where people write their responses on a whiteboard visible to all. From favorite State Fair foods to how to stay focused at work to projects that are done in our free time, each question digs a little deeper into the human behind the work. During one of the Minnesota State Fair weeks, we learned that one of our engineers enjoys making Sweet Martha Cookie and cheese curd sandwiches. 

We enjoy learning about each other, and we want to learn from you — maybe even teach you something along the way. What better way to encourage connections and closeness by getting real feedback and participation, and then sharing it with the world? 

What’s New with Punch Through?

In this section, we share website updates like new pages and resources, product announcements about LightBlue®, and how to be closer to the folks at Punch Through like following our leaders on LinkedIn. Even though “company updates” are common in email newsletters, we want to share what we’ve been up to and what’s new because we value growth and we want to continuously develop and move forward.

Recent Blog Posts 

If you sign up for the Punch Through newsletter, you receive BLE tips and tricks, coding language updates and best practices, and how to be a better leader right to your inbox. No need to search online for answers to bug fixes or mobile development assistance, each month, we send it right to you. 

Most blog posts are written by marketers. This isn’t a bad thing by any means, but sometimes marketers lack subject matter knowledge, especially when it comes to hardware, software, firmware, and mobile development. Our engineers fully understand this subject matter, that’s why they write the blog posts (well, except this one). Their hands-on experience leads to new solutions, bug fixes, and increased knowledge, and it’s important to share this with the world, and add one more thing they can be proud of.

Interested in Learning More?

Sign up for the Punch Through Newsletter and become an insider!