Meet Ty Gasiorowski – Mobile Software Team
At Punch Through, we encourage everyone to proudly be themselves and want you to know the people behind the work that we’re so proud of. That’s why we launched our “Meet the Team” series, where we introduce you to one of our team members each month. We’re better together, after all.
Meet Ty, one of our mobile software engineers, who joined our team back in October 2021. Ty is responsible for developing applications for use on mobile devices utilizing Android operating systems. In his freetime, you can find Ty mountain biking, downhill skiing, and roasting his own coffee beans – he’s really gotten into coffee recently. Fun fact: Ty has his pilot’s license. So, you can probably guess who’ll be getting the team to its next company retreat. We’re thinking of the Bahamas.
What were you doing before working at Punch Through?
After getting my degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Minnesota, I started my professional career in manufacturing and design engineering at other local Minneapolis companies. I was working on the design side of engineering but was spending some of my spare time learning more and more about software development. My interests grew in that area, and I started exploring new career opportunities. This combined with a want to work in the medical industry led me to joining the team at Punch Through.
What is your favorite thing about Punch Through culture?
Punch Through does a very good job of being transparent. That’s probably one of my favorite aspects about the culture. The management structure is sort of circular, where everyone works through each other and together toward organizational goals. It’s very collaborative and supportive, which lends itself to being not only a super communicative but a learning-oriented, progressive environment.
Tell me a story about your most memorable moment while working at Punch Through
So far, everything has been so memorable at Punch Through. It’s difficult to pick out a single moment. The company trips have been nothing short of awesome. You get a chance to meet people you don’t interface with all of the time. You also get a chance to hear and see where the business is going. But really, if I had to choose just one moment, it would have to be my year review. It was a crazy reflection on how much I’d learned and grown during that time. To look back at all the technology our team had worked on and leveraged, it’s something that’s hard to forget.
What cool or rewarding things do you get to do on a regular basis?
One of the coolest things I get to do on a regular basis would have to be the chance to see how Android and BLE works in depth. In my role, I get to explore a full breadth of low to high mobile software development – and in a collaborative environment. It’s just cool!
What is the most valuable part of your work to you on a personal level?
On a personal level, the most valuable part of my work would probably be working on niche technology. A lot of my work is involved in the healthcare industry with medical devices, which will be something that someone will use to make their or others lives better. The work is both valuable and rewarding. I’m involved in supporting something that’s already helping people. I really love the idea of contributing to a greater good.
What is different about Punch Through versus other places you have worked?
The biggest difference between Punch Through and other places I’ve worked is the culture itself. You have the freedom to learn, grow and improve on almost a daily basis. You also have the opportunity to wear multiple hats. One day, you may be involved with database configuration. The next day, it’s investigating bluetooth low energy (BLE) traces. You get this huge blend of work here, helping to keep you engaged and expand your skill set in the process. You don’t always find that at other organizations.
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Ty is among the many talented individuals who make up the Punch Through team. Check out our other “Meet the Team” profiles below to meet more remarkable colleagues.
About our Meet the Team Series…
Great culture builds great products. Some of the ways culture is expressed at Punch Through are through authenticity, autonomy, and experience. The individuals at Punch Through not only build great products, but they are the culture. The individual team members aren’t defined by their past or title. They’re encouraged to be true to themselves, learn from each other, and grow professionally and personally.
It’s essential to get to know the people behind the projects and to understand how culture plays a vital role in everything we do. To help get inside the heads of the genius behind the brand, we’re launching a “Meet the Team” series. These articles will feature one of our talented team members where you can get to know them on a bit more personal level, and see how their contributions make Punch Through what it is today.