Meet Jill Carlier – Engineering Management
At Punch Through, we encourage everyone to proudly be themselves and want you to know the people behind the work that we’re so proud of. That’s why we launched our “Meet the Team” series, where we introduce you to one of our team members each month.
Meet Jill Carlier, engineering manager, who joined our team in April of 2023. Jill’s primary responsibility is project management and helping to provide career guidance to our engineering team. When not at work, you can find Jill spending time with family (she has two young kids). She also really enjoys making stuff. Woodworking is her current interest of choice.
What were you doing before working at Punch Through?
The start of my career was in software development, and then gradually worked my way up into management. I called one place home for 11 years, and then I had a second kid, leading me to make a move in employers. I bounced around to a few places, which got me thinking about what I did and didn’t value – and that’s pretty much how I ended up a Punch Through.
What is your favorite thing about Punch Through culture?
My favorite aspect about the culture at Punch Through would have to be the acceptance you feel when joining the team. You can honestly be your authentic self. The company protects its people. The company protects its culture. People are simply going to look out for one another.
Tell me a story about your most memorable moment while working at Punch Through
The most memorable moment for me would have to involve a family emergency. I had to drop everything and basically disappear. I felt like it was okay to do that. Past employers, I would feel as if I needed to check in constantly under similar circumstances. I was 100% comfortable that the people around me were fully capable of handling whatever was thrown their way. It can take years to establish that level of trust in the people you work with, and I’d started in 2023. That’s a true testament to what this company has been building.
What cool or rewarding things do you get to do on a regular basis?
The most rewarding thing I get to do on a regular basis is all about the interactions I’m involved in everyday. I get to talk to people and figure out what motivates them, help them troubleshoot problems, offer guidance, and simply connect with colleagues on a daily basis. You really get to know people and what makes them tick when provided the room to do so, and that’s what Punch Through offers.
What is the most valuable part of your work to you on a personal level?
On a personal level, the most valuable part of my work has got to be the opportunity to solve problems. We get together and work toward a solution. What that solution looks like has changed over the years, but the people at Punch Through are actually interested in coming to a solution that works for today. That’s been very valuable.
What is different about Punch Through versus other places you have worked?
The biggest difference between Punch Through and other places that I’ve worked is the emphasis on joy and fulfillment. The focus isn’t just on getting to wherever you need to be on a project as quickly as possible. It’s also about finding a meaningful path of getting there. It’s about outcomes, not time spent. That’s been the starkest of differences for me.
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Jill is among the many talented individuals who make up the Punch Through team. Check out our other “Meet the Team” profiles below to meet more remarkable colleagues.
About our Meet the Team Series…
Great culture builds great products. Some of the ways culture is expressed at Punch Through are through authenticity, autonomy, and experience. The individuals at Punch Through not only build great products, but they are the culture. The individual team members aren’t defined by their past or title. They’re encouraged to be true to themselves, learn from each other, and grow professionally and personally.
It’s essential to get to know the people behind the projects and to understand how culture plays a vital role in everything we do. To help get inside the heads of the genius behind the brand, we’re launching a “Meet the Team” series. These articles will feature one of our talented team members where you can get to know them on a bit more personal level, and see how their contributions make Punch Through what it is today.