Meet Garin Marlow – Embedded Software Team
At Punch Through, we encourage everyone to proudly be themselves and want you to know the people behind the work that we’re so proud of. That’s why we launched our “Meet the Team” series, where we introduce you to one of our team members each month.
Meet Garin Marlow, an embedded software engineer whose primary responsibility is software development – focusing more on the embedded side of things. When not at work, Garin splits his time between a myriad of different interests. One day, you may find him playing volleyball with his wife; the next day, he could enjoy one of his favorite spectator sports: disc golf. He plays, too, but will gladly pop on the pro tour. Garin also enjoys tinkering and learning new tech skills. In fact, he’s looking to create some custom courses for Mario Kart in the near future.
What were you doing before working at Punch Through?
After graduating with a degree in aerospace engineering, I found my interest in software development. This led to my work in the development of embedded devices – primarily in the areas of aerospace and medical technology. I happened upon an opportunity at Punch Through, which pretty much brings us to today.
What is your favorite thing about Punch Through culture?
My favorite aspect about the culture at Punch Through is the support you’ll find within the company. Everyone genuinely cares about and is interested in supporting one another. There’s like this instant camaraderie. That’s definitely unique from other companies I’ve worked at.
Tell me a story about your most memorable moment while working at Punch Through
The most memorable moment for me would have to be the company retreat, which had been scheduled about a month after I started. We rent this house for a couple of days to talk about the company, of course, but also do activities to get to know one another. The one that really sticks out was this game of sardines. If you’re not familiar, it’s like “hide and seek,” except only one person hides and everyone else is “seeking” them. Once you find the person, you hide with them. When all was said and done, there were probably 12 to 15 people hiding in a storage closet, holding miscellaneous objects in front of them. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that you immediately get comfortable with your coworkers when you find yourself in such a situation. People aren’t afraid to act silly and be themselves.
What cool or rewarding things do you get to do on a regular basis?
The most rewarding thing I get to do on a regular basis would have to be the work itself. I get to work on devices that improve people’s lives. Right now, I’m working on a project for a device that one of my cousins actually uses. Because of it, he gets to sleep without a CPAP mask. I like that. I like the fact that I work on devices that are helping thousands and thousands of people.
What is the most valuable part of your work to you on a personal level?
What I find most valuable about the work has got to be the high percentage of time spent on development and solving problems. I get to work in the sweet spot – you know, in the nitty gritty of software development, where you’re constantly learning new things and using new technologies and new methodologies.
What is different about Punch Through versus other places you have worked?
At other places where I’ve worked, people stick to their roles. You’re hired for this, and that’s all you do. Here, it’s more flexible and fluid. People end up being more proactive and help their teammates. People are also more willing and comfortable with relying on other team members for support and input. It makes for a great working environment.
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Garin is among the many talented individuals who make up the Punch Through team. Check out our other “Meet the Team” profiles below to meet more remarkable colleagues.
About our Meet the Team Series…
Great culture builds great products. Some of the ways culture is expressed at Punch Through are through authenticity, autonomy, and experience. The individuals at Punch Through not only build great products, but they are the culture. The individual team members aren’t defined by their past or title. They’re encouraged to be true to themselves, learn from each other, and grow professionally and personally.
It’s essential to get to know the people behind the projects and to understand how culture plays a vital role in everything we do. To help get inside the heads of the genius behind the brand, we’re launching a “Meet the Team” series. These articles will feature one of our talented team members where you can get to know them on a bit more personal level, and see how their contributions make Punch Through what it is today.