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iOS 18 AccessorySetupKit: Everything BLE Developers Need To Know

Apple’s WWDC 2024 brought exciting advancements for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) developers with the introduction of AccessorySetupKit in iOS 18. This new framework is designed to streamline the discovery and configuration of companion devices, offering a more efficient and intuitive process. By eliminating complex permission prompts and simplifying device pairing, AccessorySetupKit enhances the user experience for both developers and…
Punch Through Office where engineers use rx and delegate programming on iOS

Using Rx vs Delegates with CoreBluetooth

Reactive (or “Rx”) style programming is quickly becoming a popular design pattern in mobile development. What is it, and how does it compare to the tried-and-true delegation pattern? Should you be using Rx on your next mobile project? Follow…
Ultimate Guide to Apple's Core Bluetooth library

The Ultimate Guide to Apple’s Core Bluetooth

This article assumes you know the very basics of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and iOS programming (including the delegation pattern for asynchronous calls common to many iOS native APIs), and is meant as a comprehensive guide to the ins and outs of…