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The Ultimate Guide for Android Bluetooth Low Energy

The Ultimate Guide to Android Bluetooth Low Energy

Originally published on May 15, 2020, and updated on April 17, 2024. What's been updated: This ultimate guide and its companion code repository now support compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion 34 (Android 14). The APIs used in this guide are from the android.bluetooth package, and not from the very similarly-named androidx.bluetooth package which is still in alpha as of the time of writing. The approaches detailed in this guide…

Mastering all 5 Kotlin Scope Functions

It should come as no surprise that our Android team here at Punch Through loves Kotlin, and that we strive to write idiomatic Kotlin, taking advantage of its unique language features whenever possible. Some common questions we get from newer team…
Engineers meeting about Kotlin language features

Our 5 Favorite Kotlin Features

When Swift was released by Apple for iOS developers, Android developers were in awe and envious of this modern programming language that provides null-safety and an expressive yet concise syntax. Thankfully, the Android Studio 3.0 release in 2017…
Computer coding with Android and Bluetooth symbol - Android BLE tips

4 Tips to Make Android BLE Actually Work

Android development is hard, and it's no thanks to its relatively fragmented ecosystem and having a million OEM’s out there. Throw BLE—which is extremely hardware and Bluetooth spec. dependent!—into the mix and the platform's behavior becomes…